🔥 We are excited to announce that 7th Burn for 1.200.000 PXP was completed: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa01c45c13247ad0bd155c44db2741c7eb73fe96c7cea4c960c97a51a11f363bf
💲 Buy PXP tokens: https://www.bithumb.pro/en-us/exchange/professional?q=PXP-USDT
💰 Earn up to 40% yearly with PXP staking program in PointPay Bank: https://bank.pointpay.io/staking
🏦 Remember we are PointPay and we are beyond banking!
💡Check PointPay Live-Roadmap (PointPay development in real time): https://pointpay.io/live-roadmap/
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