Cryptocurrencies have become an inseparable part of our lives. Once known and used by a limited number of people, they managed to grow to a market worth billions of dollars in a few years. Nowadays, huge companies are built on cryptocurrencies and some traditional ones have adopted cryptos for their day-to-day activities. Merchants from all over the world are accepting payments in digital currencies as well.
This demand on cryptocurrencies leads to the development of service providers and platforms that allow buying, selling, exchanging and managing cryptocurrencies. The functionality of current service providers remains limited as they focus on providing services in a certain sphere. There is no “all-in-one” platform available for users.
PointPay has come to change this. We are building a PointPay Crypto Bank that will join the convenience of cryptocurrencies and functionality of a traditional bank to offer a new level of service for our users. Our system will be user-friendly letting every customer benefit from all of our services.
Compared to the conventional banking system, PointPay main advantages include but are not limited to the following:
- We will be available worldwide;
- We will offer lower international transfer;
- We will make international transfers in a few minutes;
- We will keep you away from bureaucratic procedures;
- We will let you have both fiat and cryptocurrency wallets;
- We will offer partial anonymity.
PointPay will be a serious competitor to traditional bank institutions.
Stay with us to be among the first ones to join our revolutionary project.
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